In the wake of the global pandemic, ZEISS Lenses has come up with ZEISS DuraVision AntiVirus Platinum UV Coating – a highly effective antimicrobial coating that actively fights and kills 99.9% of potentially harmful viruses and bacteria on the surface of the lens.
As part of a larger production, we were tasked with visualizing the sequence depicting the journey of the viruses and bacteria from the droplet right down to the surface of the lens where they were to be destroyed by the antimicrobial coating.
September 2020.
Client — Carl Zeiss AG
Agency — creative sherpas
Production Company — Schall&Rauch Bewegtbild GmbH
Director — Alexander Feichter
Art Direction — Tom Gugel & Bastian J. Schiffer
Animation — Simon Fiedler, Tom Gugel, Bastian J. Schiffer & Andi Wenzel

Excerpt from the research and planning deck:

Find more information on the client’s product page.