On-air design branding and packaging developed for a weekly documentary series premiering on ZDF in October 2017. The format reports in the spirit of "constructive journalism", searching optimistically for alternative solutions to social problems where the majority of other daily journalistic formats report with a negative and pessimistic point of view.
Agency: Quadrolux – Agentur für Bewegtbild
Creative Direction: Melanie Schmidt
Design: Bastian J. Schiffer
Initial concepts in the design process focused on developing a positive, uplifting and distinctive visual language conveyed in bold colors and strong typography.
Initial concepts for the programme's opener revolved around how a constructive style of journalism could lead to a bright future.
Subsequently, various concepts were developed that focused on micro-typographic features conveying the programme's positioning in a more subtle way.
For the last phase of the design process, the focus lay on integrating the typography with handwritten elements to give the packaging a rougher, more human feel.
Eventual implementation of the developed on-air design package: