Personal Network
As humans, we are social beings. We rely on relationships with others to survive and thrive. Our knowledge, beliefs, and understanding of the world are shaped by the interactions and connections with the people around us. Without their knowledge and perspectives, we would not have the same level of understanding or ability to navigate the world.
Gregor Bonnet · Alex Bootz · Can Erduman · Lena Everding · Simon Fiedler · Thomas Gugel · Felix Schuch · ​​​​​​​Andi Wenzel
Baked · · schall&rauch · Village Green​​​​​​
Inspiration helps us to achieve our goals, overcome our obstacles, and pursue our passions. It can help to spark new ideas, bring fresh perspectives and give a sense of purpose. Fostering creativity and innovation, it is essential for our personal and professional growth.
Aixsponza · Already Been Chewed · Ars Thanea · atypic · Bark&Bite · Blind · Brand New School · Brickland · Builders Club · Bureau COOL · Bureau Klaus Almann · Carbon · Colors and the Kids · Clim Studio · Dissembargo · Ditroit · Fakery · · Frame · Found · The Furrow · FutureDeluxe · Korb · Kühl & Han · Lumbre · Luxx · Magnane · Media.Work · Mister · MK12 · mnfst · More and More · MvsM · Never Sit Still · Not Real · onesal · onformative · Panoply · Playful · PROPER · PULK · Ranger & Fox · Sarofsky · Steelworks · Styleframe · Stylo Creative · TACTYC Studio · ​​​​​​​Tavo Studio · Tendril · TOMASZEWICZ STUDIO · Tomorrow Bureau · Territory Studio · Trizz · le truc · Unseen Studio · weareseventeen · WORSHIP · XK Studio · Yambo Studio · Zünc Studio
Advertising & VFX
Title Design
FLAVOR3D · ​​​​​​​Katana Studio · KYYO · Mondlicht Studios · The Scope
Feature & Creature
Damien Guimoneau · Chris Jones · Jama Jurabaev · Jesus FC · ​​​​​​​Thomas Kral · Hugh Johnson · Bogdan Lazar · ​​​​​​​Gabriela Salmeron
3D Modeling
Lukasz Szeflinski​​​​​​​
Bernd Güssbacher · Franziska Heinemann​​​​​​​
David Airey · BOND · Capacity · Center · ​​​​​​​Collins · DD.NYC · DesignStudio · Dixon Baxi · Studio Dumbar · Fiasco Design · FutureBrand · GrandArmy · Gretel · helloMuller · ​​​​​​​High Tide · How&How · Jones Knowles Ritchie · King and Country · ​​​​​​​Koto Studio · Loyal Kaspar · Motto · Moving Brands · Mucho · Nomad Studio · Okto · Pentagram · PlusOne Amsterdam · Porto Rocha · Ragged Edge · Snask · Stan Hema · Strichpunkt · Thisaway · Trollbäck+Company · ​​​​​​​UnitedUs · Vucko · Wolff Olins
Bleed · Bureau Cool · Collect · Hauser Lacour · New Studio · ​​​​​​​Justified Studio · Serial Cut · Studio Feixen · ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Vasava
Mads Berg · ​​​​​​​Fried Cactus Studio · ​​​​​​​Vanja Vikalo Linnch · ​​​​​​​Eiko Ojala · ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ray Oranges · Puño · Benedikt Rugar · Leonardo Ruiz · Olimpia Zagnoli
Josef Adamu · Thomas Albdorf · Moeez Ali · Felix Aliberti · Richard Allenby-Pratt · David Altrath · Aurélien Aumond · Noah Berger · Andoni Beristain · Tom Blachford · Emily Blincoe · Katharina Bohm · Soo Burnell · Juno Calypso · Pelle Cass · Frederic Chaubin · Lin Yung Cheng · Ray Collins · Massimo Colonna · Cortis & Sonderegger · Pelle Crepin · Jon Enoch · Sean Fennessy · Chris M. Forsyth · Jim Golden · Noémi Goudal · Mark Griffiths · Philip Haynes · Tom Hegen · Irenaeus Herok · Philip Karlberg · Carla Kogelman · Matjaz Krivic · Kate Jackling · Romain Laurant · LSD Photo · Sebastian Magnani · Suren Manvelyan · Marc and David · Nele Martensen · Arthur Mebius · Elena Mora · Olivier Morisse · Christoph Morlinghaus · Jason Oddy · Raphael Olivier · Annabel Ooosteweeghel · Jeroen Peters · Fabrizio Raschetti · ​​​​​​​Jesse Rieser · Claudio Troncoso Rojas · Georg Roske · Christoffer Rudquist · RUMI · Francesco Salvaggio · F. Scott Schafer · Nick Sellek · Christopher Soukup · Laura Stamer · Thomas Struth · Tim Tadder · ​​​​​​​Ollie Tomlinson · Ben Watts · Sebastian Weiss · Reuben Wu · Terrence Zhang · Connie Zhou
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