Having been commissioned to create several glitch transitions for one of the trade show films of German life insurance company LV 1871 that would be shown across a widescreen wall made up of six side-by-side Full HD panels (coming down to a combined size of 6480x1920 pixels) at 50fps, we designed several ways to break up the images using just standard effects and compositing techniques from within After Effects.

Going a bit overboard in our excitement, we eventually took the whole process a bit too far for the taste of the client, but – being very excited about the images created by the treatments – wanted to share what we came up with nevertheless, so we created a peek behind the scenes, remixing the early version of the final animation with some behind the scenes footage.
Client: LV 1871
Agency: Counterpart Group
Agency: Counterpart Group
Director: Daniel Bartels / DANNY
Animation: Bastian J. Schiffer
Animation: Bastian J. Schiffer
Music licensed from PremiumBeat.